The guidelines to join are the usual, but bear repeating. Please read through:
* Post a recipe featuring legumes between now and May 31, linking it to this announcement.
* Your choice of recipes is very broad. As much as legumes are most commonly known as fresh or dried beans, peas, lentils and pulses, they are also the sometimes edible pods that contain these seeds. Add to the list alfalfa, fenugreek, peanuts, carob, tamarind, and other members of the Fabaceae or Leguminosae family, as well as derivatives such the saifun mung bean noodles featured in the logo, and you'll have a hard time focusing on just one. All courses and cuisines (vegetarian/vegan/non-vegetarian) are welcome, as long as legumes are the dominant ingredient. (Please note: In France, vegetables of all sorts are known as légumes. They are not included in this event.)
* Multiple recipes are permitted (although only one submission will be counted towards the random drawings).
* Recipes submitted to other events are also permitted.
* Recipes from archives can be accepted ONLY if updated and reposted as current.
* Recipes from those who are not bloggers are welcome and make eligible the participants to win either prize. Please email me your name, location, recipe, and optional photo, and I will ensure you are included in the drawing and round-up.
* Location of each participant is necessary so that I will know who qualifies to win the supplemental Hurst Bean prize, shipped to U.S. residents only. If you don't want your location published in the round-up, please indicate this in your email so that I can maintain your privacy.
* Use of logo is optional.
* Photo is preferred, but not essential, with a width or length dimension of 400 pixels.
* I will post the round-up/winners' announcement during first week of June.
* My family and personal friends are not eligible to win any prize.
Your email to me (thewellseasonedcook AT yahoo DOT com) with MLLA 23 in the subject field must contain the following:
* Name
* Blog Name
* Recipe Name and URL of Recipe Post
* Location
* Photo - optional
1) One copy of Mallika's new book, randomly drawn for a U.S. resident.
2) One copy of Mallika's new book, randomly drawn for an international resident.
3) Hurst Bean Prize - A six-pack assortment of the U.S. winner's choices shipping directly from the Hurst facility. This generous prize is provided by Hurst Bean and has been arranged through their initiative. I do not receive product nor financial compensation from Hurst Bean.
** The books which I am offering this month are complimentary copies sent to me by Harper Collins, the publisher. I have also been provided with a copy for my own personal enjoyment.
I am very much looking forward to being dead center in MLLA's activities this month, so hit me with your best recipes. I'll be ready for them! Thanks always for making every month special with your delicious dishes.
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